Are you struggling to find work? Are you unable to get through traditional recruitment processes? Are you being invited to interviews but not being offered the role?
Designed to be different, our new and exciting inclusive jobs fair is open to anyone looking for a work based opportunity but may be finding it difficult to currently find work.
Come and join us on Wednesday 11th May from 10am until 3pm at Blackfriars Priory in Gloucester where you will have the opportunity to meet with a wide range of local inclusive employers offering various work opportunities, including full and part time positions, apprenticeships, trainee roles, work trials and placements.
We are delighted to welcome the following employers to our event, with the list continually growing over the next few weeks:
Our onsite mentor team will also be on hand throughout the day to guide you around the jobs fair and help make those important introductions to employers should you need it. We will be able to help job match you to suitable organisations and roles and ensure you're able to access all the facilities available on the day.
What's more there will be a number of workshops being held during the day, ran by Adult Education, GRCC and the National Careers Service, including Customer Service skills, Interview Tips, CV Writing, Confidence Building and LinkedIn support. Full workshop details will be available soon.
There will also be the opportunity to submit job applications, enhance CVs and receive general careers advice in our dedicated career support space, thanks to the Gloucestershire Employment and Skills Hub team, as well as have a professional headshot photograph taken for your own use.
To ensure we provide you with the best possible experience, please prebook an arrival timeslot to our Jobs Fair, either by calling 01452 699741 or emailing
Timeslots are available every hour between 10am and 2pm. Please be aware that from 10am until 11am has been designated as a quiet hour.