We are so proud of our Navigator Developers and behind the scenes GEM team, and how they are truly 'Going the Extra Mile' to support our participants.
Here are a few snippets of some of the activities our team has been up to, to ensure our participants have the best access and support to the GEM Project, whilst also helping their general wellbeing.
During this time, accessing information online is vital but we understand this can be difficult for some of our GEMs without the right technology. Sam from The Brandon Trust recently helped one of our GEMs get access to their own laptop so we are still able to continue supporting them.
"Having this laptop is the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. It's so much easier to apply for jobs and take part in online meetings and I couldn't be happier with it."
Emily, Navigator Developer at Inclusion Gloucestershire has also been continually supporting one of her GEMs and providing online help.
"Throughout the lockdown period I have continued to engage as a GEM participant. I have received regular contact and support from my Navigator Developer which has helped me feel connected at a time when other services and opportunities are on hold. Over the last few weeks I have taken part in a variety of online sessions focusing on interview skills and wellbeing via GEM Online. The sessions are useful and help take my mind away from negative thoughts. I am pleased to be continuing in my voluntary role with Inclusion Gloucestershire. They have provided me with a laptop which enables me to complete admin tasks at home and I engage with my colleagues regularly via Microsoft Teams. Video conferencing is a new skill for me. My mental wellbeing has been affected by the lockdown. However, my engagement with GEM and Inclusion Gloucestershire has helped me to stay positive and connected."
Navigator Developer Daniel from GRCC has also been going above and beyond to help his participants, most recently supporting a GEM in getting a new fridge freezer. After being informed that it was broken, Dan sat on the phone with the GEM whilst they did some mindful arts and crafts to help reduce their stress levels which was strongly impacting on their mental health. He then helped with applying for a grant to purchase a new appliance as well as searching local companies that could provide a fridge freezer that was the correct size and cost.