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On Monday 10th December 20 GEM Project participants came together for a fantastic Christmas lunch, cooked by a previous GEM participant Andy Kirk, who is now employed part-time as a café manager chef at Priors Park Neighbourhood Project, and has been instrumental in setting up the Community Café there. 

Participants from around Gloucestershire joined the celebration held at Priors Park giving them a chance to meet, share their progression and achievements so far on their GEM journey whilst enjoying a delicious lunch two course Christmas lunch cooked by Andy.

Navigator Developer Julie from GRCC said: "I have been so inspired by Andy’s journey on the GEM project that I wanted to arrange this lunch to show case his talent and his progression through GEM. When I met Andy back in April at the start of his GEM journey he had been unemployed for 8 years to due ill health and anxiety. Initially several of our meetings had to be rearranged because he had suffered panic attacks.

I suggested he attend the ‘Feel Good Courses’ being run at Priors Park, where his knowledge and experience on helping members of the Tewkesbury Allotment scheme led to him advising Priors Park on what to make with their surplus of vegetables that they grew.  From there, he then did a cooking demonstration, helped them to set up the Community Café and went on to be employed by PPNP as a Café Manager Chef for the community café.  The Christmas lunch I felt was an apt celebration of how his journey has become complete, whilst also providing inspiration to the participants and showing that with the support of GEM and their Navigator Developers they too can have a successful outcome like Andy."



Christmas lunch GEM Project style

by Becky Boseley

A report by the University of Gloucestershire has found that Gloucestershire’s own employability project – Going the Extra Mile (GEM) – has achieved more than double its target of moving those furthest from the employment market back into work.

The project has already supported 176 people into employment or self-employment, and a further 55 into further education or training.

James, who has a disability and has received support from the GEM project, said: “I handed out lots of CVs, and went for loads of interviews, but nobody wanted me. The GEM project has really helped me. I’m so happy to finally get a chance. It’s nice that someone can see beyond the disability, and that’s all people like us need”.

With the support of the GEM Project, James is now employed with Specsavers.

Since the project launch in 2016, GEM has engaged with over 821 people, well on its way to its target of 1,000 by November 2019. Of these, GEM has helped 269 of these to gain volunteering or work experience, 241 are undertaking actual or practice interviews and 148 people are accessing financial inclusion support.

The results have been made possible by the support of over 40 partner organisations in Gloucestershire – including many Voluntary and Community Sector Enterprises (VCSE) – and GEM’s own network of Navigator Developers working within these organisations, who provide 1:1 support to participants to move them into or closer to employment.

Roselyn, who moved to the UK 15 years ago to seek asylum and was keen to find work, said:

“I thought the only job I could do would be cleaning, but my GEM Navigator Developer Sarah talked to me about what else I was interested in and made me realise I could do more.”

“The GEM Project has been so inspiring, it has given me advice and supported me step by step. I started with no hope but when I got work I knew I could be somebody. I would recommend the GEM project to everyone.” 

Roselyn has since completed the Level 2 certificate for working as a Door Supervisor in private security, funded by the GEM Project, and is now in the process of getting her licence. 

Download the full report.


GEM Project doubles targets of helping hard to reach back into work

by Becky Boseley

Every year one adult in four, along with one child in ten, will have a mental health issue. These conditions can profoundly affect literally millions of lives, affecting the capability of these individuals to make it through the day, to sustain relationships, and to maintain work. 

World Mental Health Day aims to help raise mental health awareness.  At the GEM Project we know how important this is.  Many of our participants either have had or still do suffer with mental health issues, but if supported well, this needn't be a barrier to work.


GEM tips on how to stay mentally healthy at work

It's really important to work with your employer and to talk to them if you think you are struggling with your mental health at work.  It's also really important to stick to your employment arrangements with them, but most employers should be supportive of the following tips:

  1. Take your break – sometimes we all get busy, and it can be tempting to work through lunch, but everyone needs to take a break.  Stick to the time agreed with your employer, but make the most of your break to give your mind and body a break.
  2. Get outside - if you can get outside on your break, do it. The health benefits - mental and physical - of some time in the fresh air are countless and will make you feel refreshed and ready to carry on.
  3. End the day with tomorrow’s to-do list. It’ll help you shut off and refocus for the next day.
  4. Focus on your role – there are lots of things in the workplace that can make you feel uncertain. Focus on your role and skill sets and be proud of delivering.
  5. Trying to stay in control and on top of things at work will be a huge help for you. However, this won't always be the case, so this it's important to be able to ask for help.
  6. Play music — on a headset in your break, on the way to work or on the way home.  Listen to music that relaxes you and helps you to feel at ease.
  7. Get your work–life balance right —  when you're not at work, try to switch off and make time for you and your family and friends, or join a a local interest group.
  8. Have something to look forward to – it is easy to feel stuck in a cycle and it is important to have some non-work events to look forwards to from a meal out to your annual holiday.
  9. Healthy body, healthy mind – ensure that you are well rested and physically healthy.  Issues with concentration, memory or vision maybe related to stress so see a doctor if things change.
  10. Talk – though it may seem like a big step, sharing your feelings or concerns could make a major difference especially if people don’t know you’re suffering. They could offer support in terms of workload or simply help by talking things through.
Supporting World Mental Health Awareness Day: how to stay mentally healthy at work

by Becky Boseley

On Monday 24 September, GEM participants took part in a taster session to learn about the day to day running of Gloucestershire airport. Organised by GEM and Fly2Help, an aviation charity dedicated to bringing the enjoyment of flight to those who may not have had the opportunity to experience it, the day involved learning about the varied employment opportunities available at the airport and enjoying  a short flight in a small aircraft. The day was a great success, with all GEM participants enjoying the experience.

Another four participants attended the day to record the day for GEM publicity purposes and to utilise their marketing skills, from interviewing and reporting to photography and production of case studies after the event. 

GEM participant Keith said that even though he had lots of experience of airports around the world, it was still interesting to learn about the workings of a smaller airport. Fellow participant Jon, who has previous experience flying gliders and light aircraft, wanted to learn more of airport operations and hopes to one day work in an airport.  Other participants also said they’d like to find employment in the airline industry. 

Everyone who went up on a short flight loved the experience and the spectacular views, with some even having a chance to steer the aircraft for a short while. 

Article written by Daryl, GEM participant





GEM participants take flight on airport experience day

by Becky Boseley

We were delighted to be recognised with a mention from Alex Chalk MP in his recent article for The Cheltonian.  In the article, Alex talks about how he is urging local employers to look at the 'overlooked' pool of talent in their local area, including those with disabilities, and highlights the Access to Work Scheme as a great opportunity to support both parties.

  • cheltonian politics

This month with...

Alex Chalk MP for Chettenham

Unlocking the Potential

Cheltenham MP Alex Chalk discusses why he is urging employers to look at the 'overlooked' pool of talent that.our town has to offer

This monthat the Queen's Hotel, I heard a speech which knocked my socks offf. It wasn't from a famous politician, a well-known sportsman, or a captain of industry. Nor was it a soaring piece of highfalutin oratory. Instead, it was a quiet, understated address from a young Gloucestershire man who had set up an ice cream business. He called it Adam's Gelatos. What gave the speech added impact was that Adam had achieved his success despite being significantly disabled.

But Adam didn't want pity  He didn't want special treatment. All he wanted was a level playing field to let him show the world what he could do. It was immensely powerful and moving.

I have long been inspired to support people like Adam to fulf il their potential and achieve their dreams. I believe it is society's moral duty.

And Cheltenham is uniquely well placed to discharge that duty. Our town is home to the brilliant National Star College, recently graded as outstanding across all areas by both Ofsted and CQC. St Vincent's and St George's does remarkable work providing a range of care and support services to disabled people. The GEM project is breakindown barriers to work for those struggling with disabilities and mental health issues. GCHQ is a renowned public­ sector leader in this field. And who could forget the incredible Butterfly Garden?

Despite this local expertise, Adam emphasised that some employers are apprehensive about takingon disabled people. Despite noble intentions, they can be nervous about inadvertently saying or doing the wrong thing. But help is available. The Access to Work scheme offers over £20,000 in central government funding to companies to make necessary adjustments when taking on a disabled member of staff The Disability Confident campaign too provides advice to employers on how they attract, recruit and retain disabled workers.

Over 5000 employers have signed up.  I would urge local employers to look again at this pool of talent. Let's unlock potential in our disabled community. And let's support the next generation of disabled Gloucestershire entrepreneurs. 


GEM mentioned in article by Alex Chalk MP for The Cheltonian

by Becky Boseley

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