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Recently six GEM participants took part in a morning of mock interviews at the Waitrose store in Cheltenham.

The GEM Project had participants from a range of organisations, including the Stroud Valleys Project, National Star College, Open House, Gloucestershire Deaf Association and GARAS.

The morning mirrored the usual JLP interview process, with an application form being submitted in advance and then an individual interview as well as a group task. The activities were made as realistic as possible and, although there were no actual jobs available, all of the individuals reported that they found it to be an extremely useful process, with each person taking away something beneficial from the morning.

The GEM Opportunity Hunters were then able to provide detailed feedback to each Navigator Developer, so that they knew what they needed to work on with their individual moving forward, to enable them to make an even better impression in the future. This should now stand them in good stead when they have a “real” interview.

The GEM Team would like to thank Richard Martin, Partner Co-Ordination Manager at Waitrose, for his time, energy and enthusiasm in running the event and he has agreed to repeat the process in the Autumn. We will be announcing dates shortly, so if you think you would benefit from this opportunity and would like some extra support, contact the GEM team now to see if you’re eligible for the GEM Project.

Waitrose supports our GEM's with their interview techniques

by Nikki Davies

A number of GEM individuals have recently been able to experience a dry-stone walling taster day on Leckhampton Hill as part of their personalised GEM journey.

Each individual who took part was able to gain practical experience of the traditional skill of dry stone walling; learning how to select, dress and shape the stone, along with the technique needed to lay stone into the wall.

Not only this, it enabled a contribution to be made towards repairing an existing dry-stone wall in the Cotswolds, supporting the work carried out by the Cotswold Conservation Board.

The Cotswold Conservation Board is the organisation which exists to enhance and conserve the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and provided an experienced instructor as well as all the tools and equipment needed for the day.

Sam Henson, Navigator Developer for CCP and the leader behind this event, incorporated this taster experience into GEM activities, after being approached by Wayne Sedgwick, Cheltenham Borough Councils Senior Community Ranger with a proposed idea. He was interested in restoring a wall on the Cotswold Way, whilst creating an opportunity for the long term unemployed.

Sam comments: “The GEM project is always looking for unique opportunities that help break down the barriers to employment. For most of the GEM individuals interested in this taster day, it would be the first time they have even considered the trade and its potential in terms of employment and self-employment. However, thanks to the Cotswold Conservation Board, Cheltenham Borough Council, The Cotswold Voluntary Wardens and the GEM Project; these individuals were able to try their hand at highly demanded trade and indulge in the life of a drystone waller”.

Following on from this taster day, the individuals have all shown a strong interest to complete their Level 1 qualification in this trade, which is already in discussion with the tutor and Conservation Board.

GEM’s become a “stone throw” closer towards finding work whilst supporting the local countryside

by Nikki Davies

Since it’s official launch in October 2016, the GEM Project currently has over 350 individuals signed up to the programme.

This new and unique programme aims to help those who are dealing with circumstances that are currently impacting on them entering or re-entering the working environment. Working with over 50 partners across Gloucestershire, the GEM Project will support people and help move them closer towards education, training, volunteering or work.

The project is designed to be tailored to each individual’s need and they will receive 1:1 support from a Navigator Developer, who will help and assist throughout the person’s entire GEM journey.

A large number of individuals have already completed their own personalised journey, which has resulted in seeing people gain qualifications, set up their own business and complete various training programmes, from retail to catering.

For more information about the GEM journey steps and how you can start your own, please click here.

The GEM Project is jointly funded by the Big Lottery Fund and European Social Fund.

GEM is helping over 350 individuals across Gloucestershire

by Nikki Davies

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